首页 财政援助办事处 常见问题


基于历史数据, the 财政援助办事处 at 买球 has compiled a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) for students. The following questions provide answers to common issues that arise as students plot a course of action as they matriculate through college.

No, students that are interested in receiving financial aid need to apply each academic year by completing the FAFSA application.
Federal guidelines require students that do not qualify for independent status to submit their parent’s income information.
No, you will not be eligible to receive financial aid until you have received your High School or GED certificate prior to applying.
Students may charge their books using their 金融援助 award during the 书店’s advertised 金融援助 charge period. 联系 买球书店 每学期的日期和时间. 买球鼓励学生在去学校之前先上课 买球书店 . For verification purposes student must provide their updated 买球 identification and their schedule.
不,拥有学士学位的学生没有资格获得基于需求的助学金. 但是,你可能有资格获得勤工俭学和奖学金. 可能需要填写FAFSA和其他申请.
The 财政援助办事处 is required to ensure that all admissions issues are resolved prior to awarding financial aid.
W-2 forms do not contain the necessary information needed to complete the FAFSA application.
Applicants must provide copies of their tax returns because tax returns portray an accurate source of income.
不可以,助学金不能结转到下一学年使用. 学生必须每年重新申请联邦援助. Any funding that is not utilized during the academic school year will be returned to the Department of Education
买球只使用收到的第一个应用程序. 所有其他后续应用程序将从系统中删除. 随后的申请推迟了奖励过程.

要更正你的申请,请使用你的学生资助报告(SAR). 你将通过邮寄或电子邮件收到它. SAR包括更正的说明.

You may also check with the financial aid office at your school to determine if they can do electronic corrections for you.

我的预期家庭贡献是多少?? 家庭预期贡献(EFC)衡量你家庭的经济实力, 它用于确定你在一个学年内是否有资格获得联邦学生援助. 您将根据FAFSA的处理结果收到EFC.更多信息:

The financial aid office at your school will use your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) and other information to determine the amount of financial aid for which you are eligible to receive. A financial aid award is determined by each school based on your eligibility and the cost of attendance for the program you are enrolled. 你学校的经济援助办公室将通过邮件通知你你的资格.
如果您更改父母信息,您的父母需要签署更正. 他/她可以使用他/她的个人密码在网上进行电子签名,也可以打印, 标志, 并通过电子邮件发送网络更正的纸质签名页.
如果你忘记了密码, 无法检索您的应用程序, 你必须重新开始这个过程. 无论是客户服务部还是美国.S. Department of Education can access your password or be able to give you a new password if you forget yours.
你可以在网上查询FAFSA的状态, Web续订, 并在提交后立即在网上更正. You can check the status of a paper FAFSA or Renewal application after it has completed processing (roughly 7-10 days from the date mailed to the U.S. 教育署).If you are checking the status of an application and receive the “Application Not Found” page try the following:

  • If it was a paper FAFSA be sure to wait 7-10 days from the date it was mailed before checking the status. (在申请被处理之前,您将无法查看状态.)如果您邮寄申请已超过10天,请联系 客户服务 请拨打1-800-433-3243寻求帮助.

如果是网上的FAFSA, Web续订, or Corrections on the Web form be sure that the Social Security Number and first two letters of your last name that you are entering match what is shown on the Confirmation Page you received at the end of those applications. 如果没有确认页面,请联系 客户服务 请拨打1-800-433-3243寻求帮助.

Students must request a Federal Student Aid ID (FSA ID) to apply for financial aid and electronically 标志 the FAFSA.  您的FSA ID用于在访问您的财务援助信息时确认您的身份.  学生、家长和借款人使用FSA ID来访问某些美国银行.S. 教育部网站包括以下内容:

  • 签署你的FAFSA, 以电子方式更新FAFSA或在网上更正(不需要纸质签名页).
  • 查看FAFSA的状态和/或结果, 通过Internet更新FAFSA或在Web上更正.
  • 访问国家学生贷款数据系统(NSLDS)网站(www.nslds.ed.Gov),查看你可能收到的贷款和其他联邦学生援助的信息.

要了解更多关于FSA ID的信息,请访问 studentaid.gov / fsaid 或者点击 在这里 为一步一步的指导.

学生援助报告(SAR)是在FAFSA处理后您将收到的文件. 您的SAR将列出您在FAFSA上提供的所有答案. 你应该仔细检查这些答案以确保它们是正确的. 如果您需要进行任何更改, 你可以在特别行政区这样做,然后寄回所提供的地址, 或者你可以去WWW.fafsa.ed.从FAFSA后续部分选择“对已处理的FAFSA进行更正”.

你的SAR也会包含你的EFC(预期家庭供款), 衡量家庭经济实力的标准是什么, 用来决定你是否有资格获得联邦学生资助. Your school will use this number to decide how much financial aid you are eligible to receive based on your school’s cost of attendance. 如果您没有向FAFSA提供电子签名或纸质签名页, 你必须签署特别行政区,并将其寄回所提供的地址,以作最后处理..

Your Data Release Number (DRN) is a four-digit number as标志ed to your application by Federal Student Aid. Both the electronic and paper Student Aid Report (SAR) have the DRN in the upper right corner.

Do not give out your DRN to anyone unless you have agreed to give them access to your FAFSA information.

You will need the DRN if you contact the Federal Student Aid Information Center to make corrections to your mailing address or the schools you listed on your FAFSA (1-800-433-3243). The DRN also allows you to release your FAFSA data to schools you did not list on your original FAFSA.

如果您选择不以电子方式签署FAFSA, then you (and at least one parent if you are a dependent student) can 标志 a paper 标志ature page. 在网上更正, a 标志ature page from one of your parents is necessary only if parental data is provided or altered.

签名页包含您的学生号和地址. 你的学生证由你完成的申请类型组成, 您的社会安全号码, 还有你姓的前两个字母.
如果你故意提供虚假或误导的信息, 你可能会被罚款20美元,000, 被送进监狱, 或两个..

是的,电子归档比纸质归档要快. 事实上, it may be as many as 14 days faster if you 标志 your application with your PIN as soon as you complete it. 提示:在你提交申请之前,FAFSA也会在网上编辑你的申请. 这有助于确保您提交的数据已准备好进行处理.
是的. 您可以在网上使用FAFSA提交预填写的FAFSA, 但您需要一个PIN才能访问Web应用程序上预填写的FAFSA.

FAFSA主页 ,从“填写FAFSA”部分选择填写FAFSA选项. 然后选择正确的学年(2008-2009年FAFSA或2007-2008年更新FAFSA).

你的住院医师决定不仅影响你的学费, 还要看你是否有资格获得州助学金. 除非你持续注册,否则它会过期. 请仔细回答问题. 请参阅 FAFSA / RDS图表 欲了解更多信息或访问 居住分类-买球(lacabaneachouette.com) .
FAFSA主页 ,从“填写FAFSA”部分选择填写FAFSA选项. 然后选择正确的学年(2008-2009年FAFSA或2007-2008年更新FAFSA).